So I'm sitting here in my sister's room and lamenting all time that has past and I'll never be able to recover. I'm getting old and there is nothing I can do about it. I wish that quantum physics could actuallly be proven and that we could actually move backwards.....if only speed of light was actually acheivable. Christmas and my birthday, the twice a year marks where I think on all I regret from the past year. I'm not old my anyone's standards but I already feel that I have lived a lifetime. Mistakes are so fresh and they cut deep because I might have had a chace to reddem myself but blew it.
Ninteen is such a middle age. I'm no longer a teenager but do not have a vast collection of life experiences by which to validate myself. I have not yet lived two decades but I can vote. I don't own a car but can drive....I am at college but have no degree yet. I am at the waiting place as so poetically put by Dr. Suess and I must leave this place for the roads are getting dark and it's becoming depressing. I don't even have to explain that compared to 21...even though I would never do THAT! I did drive all night and I have almost reached my destination, a new age, a new year and almost a new decade....God help me!!!! Here it comes!!!