Friday, December 23, 2011

É amor pra valer - Love is REAL

It started with Ai Se Eu Te Pego to Fugindinha and no E amor pra valer. Michel Telo's catchy songs are addictive and his voice are amazing!!!! I have no talent for dancing yet I found myself dancing not to a recently scored goal but to the sheer rhythm while enjoying the lyrical honey dripped upon my ears... <3 No, I am not fangirling but I must admit that for now, I can't get enough of this particular talent.  I only wish I knew Portuguese! ;)

For me, this musical discovery was made on the recommendation from a  friend who has somewhat differend tastes and music and I'm never opposed to listening to new types. This person, who recommended the song means so much to me and for a while, just talking with this friend helped ease the stress of a day where nothing went right. I trust his opinion, so when the topic of music came up,  Ai se eu te pego was recommended and from the first couple sentences I was hooked! There is nothing like a fantastic song to transcend the ordinary and create a more exciting world where human innovation not only entertains but gives some hope for the future . Maybe now I'll have more conversation topics than just the bipolar Georgia weather....(:
I have to some work to do:( but meanwhile, Love is Real and I still might learn some Portuguese!:)

1 John 4:18-19

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us."

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