Monday, December 31, 2012

And so this is 2012

SO another year has gone by and not to risk sounding more like a Celine Dion Song...this year has been quite an adventure. I had my first serious infatuation, love, crush whatever...but I can say it was good for me. I failed a class, went on my first airplane trip and came to the conclusion that yes...the road into the medical world will be very hilly, bumpy with many forks but I know that God would not have put this desire in my heart if he had not fully prepared a way for me to be able to do it. every end of the year I have so many regrets but this year i can honestly say tha tI am proud of myself. I pulled myself from the lowest possible level of y life and no I have successfully started the uphill climb. Multumesc Doamne petru indurarea ta din ani de ani si ca tu esti cu noi si noi ne intorcem spatele del lat itne. Te rog sau ma acuti sa fi mai smerita. I pray that this yeah I humbly myself and actively work towards a deeper more meaningful and productive relationship with Christ. Thank you God for every miracle, all the blessings in my life. I still cannot understand the even through my unfaithfulness and doubts you remain my me side. Thank you.  The more I know about the love you have for everyone I am in awe. I want to be more like you.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


You never know how much hating someone can take out of you . I know that it is bad to hate but I cannot help it. This person irritates me, upsets me, sets my blood boiling whenever she is in the near vicinity. I is rude, inconsiderate, arrogant and generally an unlikeable person who goes out of her way for no one and loves herself above all. I have no Christmas spirit right now or the will to get up and put stupid decorations on the house. I just want to sleep, wake up and I don't know what i even want.

Friday, December 21, 2012


My head, rather my heart were all a flutter today. I can;t get Him off my mind and really I don;t know if I want to. The initial infatuation has matured into something a little less eager and something more wistful. I am in love with the though of love...rally I just don;t think I'm good enough. This semester has really helped me realize that I am capable of doing things and that's just it, I need to commit, submit and put my mind to it. I have read through some of my blogs and nearly half of my blogs are dedicated to my inadequacies and the need to do better. This semester I did ALOT better than I have done at any point in my college career and here are the reasons. I actually sat down and DID things. It was hard. It was like pulling teeth but it got done. And I actually have started to expand and work towards a future. I still have my doubts but I know am beginning to visualize a future where I am a physician. In part I have to admit that it is due to him. Seeing somebody who I respect having achieved the goals I am aiming for it really empowering. I may not be good enough for him bit I am increasing in self confidence. All in all, I have decided that that the best way to live life is not to let it pass by hop on that train and ride it fast. In the end, I deserve someone who loves me as much as I love him. Anything else is simply settling.

I met you like a little child
Wide-eyed and mystified
That You could love even me
So I'm here to testify
That it's been an amazing ride with You
And I have never walked alone
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
It's takes a lifetime to know You, to know You

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Facebook may have ruined my life. During this past summer, I could not for the life of me stop thinking about someone who we will from now on call Mickey. It all started once fateful day in April where in need of a ride at a mission's conference, my sister and I where found transportation with some guy we had met in summer camp some years back. While on the car, Mickey ()engaged us both in conversation and I thought little of it after that. We talked or rather he asked and waited for a response from me and Lidia. I kept on thinking, well he keeps on staring at Lidia so maybe he like her. Cool. Only Lidia was not giving him the time of day and he kept on asking me questions about marriage and who come first; the spouse or the children. At the time I spouted off some random noncommittal answer but in all honesty, I had never though about it before then. And then it happened. Lidia kept saying, ohh I think he likes you and of course in my ever insecure opinion of myself I assured her that that was in no way the case. But, I began thinking about him, and then he invited be to his graduation party which I of course could not attend as it was 1000 mile away but thoughts of him never left my mind for long. The summer came and I was happily interning among geriatric patients at an assisted living facility but all the while my thoughts where of pathetic am I?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

So here I am again. Different year, different state and possibly a changed person but still regressing into the past to lament the passing of time. Here I am in California visiting/working and all I am thinking about is how I am now one year older and my teens are gone. BUT. the future is optomistic. I am slowley starting to look at myself and future with excitment at the potential that I have. Yes I am sure that moving on and growing up can be hard but I am looking forward to being able to prove myself once is a beautiful thing and I am thankful for it even if i forget.
I am thankful for a wonderful family who loves me and sticks my me even when I am completley nuts
I am thankful for the honor of being a child of God and having the privilege to serve and tell others of his love.
I am thankful for the opportunity to work here in California as a caretaker for the elderly. I have learned that the essence of a human being may fade when old age hits home but the humanity and history of every person demands the same respects as any young person who is just know beginning to taste life's vitality and its current endless possibilities. I have the honor of taking care of someone when they during their most critical and vulnerable years by providing them with direct and specific help.
I am thankful for my friends. The people who do not mind that I'll call them in the middle of the night just to vent, the wonderful people who love me, support me and know that I will be me with all my quirks and accept be anyways.
I am thankful for the future. The past may be bleak but the future holds such grand possibilities.
Did I mention I was thankful for my family? I just spent the last couple of minutes reading birthday card from my folks and I can't help but cry.... Distance really does make the heart grow fonder and with the physical distance between us greater than it has ever before I feel closer to them in spirit.
I am thankful for another year of grace that God has given to me so that I might glorify his name and through me show the world that there is only one true God who has given his life for us and gives us the hope of eternal life with him.

I am just happy that this is the day the lord has made and I choose to be happy in it and live my life to the fullest honoring and worshiping God which every breath that he gifts me with.

So I almost officially 20 years old in all of the Continental USA . Happy birthday to me and I pray that God helps me to glorify him and live this year and every year after for his glory.

But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" - Philippians 3:14

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cutting it close....

Ohh man...
So its been a while since I've blogged. I would say I have been busy and while that is part of the truth its not even near to the truth. I'm so sick of this drama in my life that I create. The end of the semester is upon me so I am going to shift in fast forward mode with studying intently, reviewing and relearning so much from this semester. Why do I dramatize relationships...? I mean I love the idea of love but I don't really think that I would ever have the courage to move forward. The thing is, before I ever even start looking outward for approval I need to look above and set my self right with God. I mean, I am not here on earth for myself. I exist for the glory of God and the mere fact that I am able to possibly bring glory to such a Magnificent savior is an honor. I find myself wrapped up sometimes in life's mundaness but the truth is that life is beautiful and everyday holds some wonderful importunity that I need to embrace. I am no like Melville's Scrivener who has lost the meaning of life, lost the pull to prepare and work for the future. God has a wonderful story written about for me and I just need to read it and tell it to others! I too long have focused on others opinions of me but in the end, it is not about them. No. it is about the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I was born to bring glory to God. When you think about it in that way than life seems to make more sense and the little things become insignificant as so the looming obstacles that seems to halt life. HE has conquered the world so writing a paper or passing a test is nothing compared to him. This life WILL pass and it is what we make of it. God gives opportunists and I need to walk through them. I tend to forget sometimes that other people are just that;people. I pray that this summer no right now starts the rest of my life. I am looking forward to California and seeing how God uses me there among the elderly. I pray that God opens doors and just really shows his plan in my life but above all else give me his compassion to show to those who need it and help the hurt all around me there and everywhere.

I lost myself today
I lost myself to the past I kept at bay
but there are always those things that won't undo
life would not be worth while if that where true..

I lost myself today
to the noise and nonsense in what people say
people are people who will always be rough and critical
this world was  meant to be hypocritical

I think I might find myself one day
the world seems so much brighter since the son has come to stay.
Life has beauty every where
the bigger picture is always there.

I found myself today
I found self and I won't turn away.
for God there are no limits
the past, my now, and future, to him I commit. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Why do all Good things have to come to an end? For a while, life seems to come into place and then all of a sudden the perfection starts to fray and what once was is now no longer. It hurts so much to have to move on but that is the only way to overcome and prepare for a better future. Things don't stay the same and sometimes its for the better. The present has an oppressive fog and now I have to say good bye. Life is complicated though, what is best does not always feel good but maybe, just maybe, the future will in turn explain this current misery where the different unknown is frankly terrifying. It's hard right now but God willing, I will get out of this slump. Everything never stays the same and really, It is time for a change! I hate this feeling of hopelessness and at the mercy of another and as one perpetuate of modern culture once said in a song "I'd rather die on my feet than live down on my knees". I never again one to know that a person is trying to do me a favor and pursuing this just out of obligation... there come a point where they started take me for granted and I refuse to be anybody's second choice. This rehabilitation of will power will come...with time... I hope, but for now I want it to be the way it was, or at least the way I thought it was.

If I could make these moments endless
If I could stop the winds of change
If we just keep our eyes wide open
Then everything would stay the same

-Josh Groban, Awake

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

~Long Hot SUMMER~

Its only a month into a mild winter here in Georgia but I wish for summer! To ease the perpetual boredom of this wet winter I watched endless summer series from the 2011 summer and now I can't wait for these series to pick up again in the summer! I know it's completely frivolous and pointless to pine for a television show but I hate to admit it but I have really become enveloped in these shows! It is not even that they are more spectacular than anything that plays during a normal television series but I feel that the shows get just a small amount of airtime that they try to cram great acting in a short period of time as to gain a larger audience....well for me it worked! :) So here's to next summer where I can't wait for the return of Covert Affairs, Drop Dead Diva, Rizzoli and Isles, and of course Burn Notice!! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Tyme is now!

 :)) Здравствуйте! Я рад, что вы посетили мой блог сегодня, и я надеюсь, вам понравится, что вы читаете здесь! :) To all my Russian followers; Hello!  I am glad that you have visited my blog today and I hope you enjoy what you read here! Sadly. I do not speak Russian but I'm sure goggle translate will do my blog justice. LOL

Well the semester has arrives with a bang and here I am again already planning for tests, assignments and  starting to show signs that plague all  poor, overwhelmed college students this time of the year. This semester I decide to be ambitious and am currently enrolled in five classes so I am not struggling from a lack of work. On top of it all, last week besides a job offering I had to turn down, on Thursday, my poor faithful Volvo broke down in my church parking lot so I have been braving my Tuesday Thursday 100 mile commute with my Dad's ancient minivan. It does not even come close to being a stylish car but at this point I am just relieved it runs. Sometimes I wish that Georgia had better public transportation. There are getting there but not even getting close to cites like New York City. I have a friend who using a one time purchasde pass can travel by bus or by train virtually anywhere in the city without the hassles of a car.  I thank God I do have a transportation via a car but it is way to much maintenance. 
 Speaking of maintenance, I have found myself in the devastating habit of not investing in the freindships that mean the most to me and now I found myself with the people who mean so much to me not responsing to phone calls and no longer returning phone calls in in general not making time for our friendship just as I had no time for them a while back....):
Life moves on again...some relationships fade out and I guess that as we move forward, sometimes we move apart as well. Ahh well, have to get some sleep. Joyous fun awaits me tomorrow with a pack of little kids just waiting to give me a reason to loose my mind. My song for today... The Tymes

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Something about January

       There is just something about January... after the excitement of the Holidays, poor January tries to make an impression but all it amounts to is unbearable winter weather and one Monday off for MLK day. Otherwise, the doldrums of January tends to lead me into a state of severe boredom!!! Pretty soon navigating the internet, catching up on shows and listening to old music becomes....well old.  Thank God school starts again next week or soon I'll be counting the spots on the wall as entertainment.
        Today besides the typical activities to ensure my boredom I reminisce on past regrets. you know those moments when you have to wonder...How stupid could I have been to do something so mindless!!! The memory I focused on today was one in which when an awkward situation arose instead of taking control of the situation, I played the coward and in the end lost a really good friend. Is it better to just move on or to try to fix the past? There are some memories that seem to be poignant only in the winter. Regardless what blemishes the past has, whether its something about January or something about the past, life moves on at an alarming pace and soon it will be February when it'll be Something 'Bout Love! <3

There’s something ’bout love
That breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh It sets you free

There’s something ’bout love
That tears you up
Whoa oh oh oh
You still believe
When the world falls down like the rain
It’ll bring you to your knees

There’s something ’bout love
that breaks your heart
Whoa oh oh oh…
But don’t give up
There’s something ’bout love