Ohh man...
So its been a while since I've blogged. I would say I have been busy and while that is part of the truth its not even near to the truth. I'm so sick of this drama in my life that I create. The end of the semester is upon me so I am going to shift in fast forward mode with studying intently, reviewing and relearning so much from this semester. Why do I dramatize relationships...? I mean I love the idea of love but I don't really think that I would ever have the courage to move forward. The thing is, before I ever even start looking outward for approval I need to look above and set my self right with God. I mean, I am not here on earth for myself. I exist for the glory of God and the mere fact that I am able to possibly bring glory to such a Magnificent savior is an honor. I find myself wrapped up sometimes in life's mundaness but the truth is that life is beautiful and everyday holds some wonderful importunity that I need to embrace. I am no like Melville's Scrivener who has lost the meaning of life, lost the pull to prepare and work for the future. God has a wonderful story written about for me and I just need to read it and tell it to others! I too long have focused on others opinions of me but in the end, it is not about them. No. it is about the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I was born to bring glory to God. When you think about it in that way than life seems to make more sense and the little things become insignificant as so the looming obstacles that seems to halt life. HE has conquered the world so writing a paper or passing a test is nothing compared to him. This life WILL pass and it is what we make of it. God gives opportunists and I need to walk through them. I tend to forget sometimes that other people are just that;people. I pray that this summer no right now starts the rest of my life. I am looking forward to California and seeing how God uses me there among the elderly. I pray that God opens doors and just really shows his plan in my life but above all else give me his compassion to show to those who need it and help the hurt all around me there and everywhere.
I lost myself today
I lost myself to the past I kept at bay
but there are always those things that won't undo
life would not be worth while if that where true..
I lost myself today
to the noise and nonsense in what people say
people are people who will always be rough and critical
this world was meant to be hypocritical
I think I might find myself one day
the world seems so much brighter since the son has come to stay.
Life has beauty every where
the bigger picture is always there.
I found myself today
I found self and I won't turn away.
for God there are no limits
the past, my now, and future, to him I commit.
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